Demand Drivers

The only marketing that works is that which drives demand in droves – that’s our mantra in the headlights.

So, we’re here to share with you how to do just that.

In business, there are no more bumper cars or Sunday driving allowed. Today’s marketing is swerving rapidly. So, it’s time to shift your business into gear. 

We’re in the driver’s seat. Let us show you the way. We’re your eyes, ears and hands on the road to marketing success.

Driving Demand for Businesses.


We’re a collective group of three enthusiastic marketers, each specialising in our respective lanes, here to share our practical knowledge with you, our colleagues and fellow business professionals.

Our destination? Inspiring ways to make marketing truly work by driving more demand for business.

Whether you are a new business looking to hit the road running, or an established one looking to get back in the fast lane, our podcast episodes, classes and video streams offer super actionable and relevant marketing advice to drive demand for your business.

Hear our latest podcast episodes.

We’ve got great voices and even better banter.

Discover how marketers fuel their success engines with knowledge and keep up with ever-evolving trends....
In this high-octane session, discover the turbocharged marketing strategies that will armour your business against economic downturns....
Join us as we hit the road on a crucial marketing journey: the choice to steer with or without AI....
Explore the pivotal role networking plays in marketing success today, and discover the art of forging connections, leveraging relationships and tapping into communities for maximum impact....

Do you prefer to watch?

We get it. Don’t worry, we don’t just have faces for radio!
We’re great in colour.

Discover how marketers fuel their success engines with knowledge and keep up with ever-evolving trends.
In this high-octane session, discover the turbocharged marketing strategies that will armour your business against economic downturns.

Meet your drivers.

We might drive demand in different lanes, but we’re all in this together.

Christopher Melotti

Melotti Media
Melotti Media
Christopher Melotti is a Marketing Consultant and Content Copywriting aficionado who founded the award-winning Copywriting Agency, Melotti Media – making big messages in the word industry.

Let’s say that Christopher is actually hard to keep quiet, if we’re honest. But at least he certainly knows what he’s talking about. His long list of loyal clients certainly agree.

Kristin Hancock

Font & Swatch
Font & Swatch
Kristin is one of the star Directors at Font & Swatch, which sits amongst the echelon of the most prominent Design and Branding studios in Australia. When it comes to a keen eye for colour and layout, he’s the man.

Kristin is a cool, calm and collected executive type, but when it comes to noticing different shades of a hue or if fonts that don’t work, believe us, you’ll know. He’s got a knack for making visual marketing enthralling.

Mike Sandys

Oddball Marketing
Oddball Marketing
Mike Sandys is the Managing Director of Oddball Marketing, a full-service marketing and digital agency specialising in website building, SEO, Search Engine Marketing and more.

If you’re looking for a powerhouse of marketing, look to Michael. Never a sick day taken, he leads a team of Google gurus and social specialists that get your brand found online.

Like the broooom sound of us?

Thanks! But buckle up, we’ve got much more to tell you.

Let's Talk.

As marketers, we’re demand drives - it’s what we love to do, really.

If you want to network, feature on our Podcast or you have episode ideas, let’s connect and get you in the driver’s seat!

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